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Vasindux Ring Attachment


PEMF Ring attachment for the Vasindux Pro 3.0 or Home MRSY Controllers

Complimentary 3 year warranty, 30 day money back Guarantee!

Circular Shaped PEMF therapy attachment.

  • What part of the body is it used for? The Vasindux PEMF Therapy Ring is designed for use with extremities, joints, head or neck areas. 
  • How big is it? It measures a little over 8 inches across in the center. It is not flexible and does not open.

The electromagnetic pulses on this device go towards the center of the ring which provide direct nerve and cell stimulation for specific or targeted areas.

    • Vasindux Pro 3.0 Tech Specs


      Coil Type
      1 Coil

      Ring Weight
      3 lb 

      Ring Material

      PU Leather

      Ring Size
      11” Across


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