Vasindux Mini PRO Set

What Makes the Vasindux Mini PRO Set PEMF Therapy Systems Unique?

The Vasindux PEMF System is the result of years of research. Manufactured in Europe, the Vasindux Mini PRO System is a pulsed electromagnetic field device designed to improve cellular health. The pulsed magnetic fields assist in revitalizing the body at the cellular level.  This Combination of the PRO controller and Chair mat offers access to our 3 preset programs, a custom setting option, adjustable intensity and polarity, this system provides an easy to use but effective and advanced option for home use.  

The Vasindux Mini PRO Set offers easy to use home therapy.

The PEMF (Magnetic Resonance) programs, are based on the principle that the Earth’s magnetic field is best for creating a healing environment within the body through natural processes.

Quick Facts About the Vasindux Mini PRO System

Individuals may experience different results with PEMF Therapy. Some report that they notice a difference on their first use of a mat. Others have reported results within as little as a few days to a few weeks or longer. It is best to be patient. Your body deserves it!

Tips for Getting the Best Results

  1. It is important to use the mat on a clean surface. The mat can be used on either a soft or hard surface as the coils are designed to flex.
  2. Are multiple people using the same mat? If multiple family members are using the mat, you may want to lay a sheet over the mat. Keeping your Vasindux device  clean is important. 
  • Vasindux Lite Chair Mat Tech Specs

     AC Adapter

    AC100/240V – 50/60 Hz

    12V DC - 2.5A

    Coil Type
    6 Coils

    Sine or Square

    Magnetic Field Strength
    5 - 75 µTesla (.05 - 0.75G)

    Frequency Range
    .5-99 Hz

    Power Factor
    30 W

    Mat Material
    PU Leather

    Mat Size

    Mat Weight
    2.1 lb 

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